Las Vegas,Nevada home of the biggest and grandest expo in the USA. With sorts of venues to choose from, depending on the target attendees and event requirements, the tradeshow booth rentals in Las Vegas is getting into action. The Institute of Food Technologists are all set for their Annual Meeting and Food Expo on June 25-28, 2017. They already have 20,000++ registered attendees, 1,000++ exhibitors from around the country and over 100++ sessions to meet new people and discover food innovations.

The IFT17 will be offering opportunities to everyone who wishes to expand their resources and knowledge on food processing. Their theme “GO, WITH PURPOSE” will be the main stream of this event.

Learn with a purpose. These are sessions with resource persons from different field of food technology with extensive qualification and expertise, sharing their knowledge will enhance your understanding in each issues being discussed. There are also panel discussion and open forum so that the attendees has the chance to ask their questions directly to the board of panels. Pre-event short courses are offered to interested participants. IFT short courses will deliver in-depth, practical education with only modest investment of your time. Courses include, product innovation, food preparation, labeling, and food science for non-scientists.

Innovate with a purpose. Innovation, in a business means a result when ideas are being applied by the company in order to further satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers. In IFT, they have a campaign of innovation with long term effect on sustainability of food products but safe and can retain the nutrients of the foods.

Exhibit with a purpose. Exhibitors are not just there to display their machineries or the likes, their trade show exhibits features the newest products, latest trends, and cutting edge innovations on the equipments, processing, technology and packaging requirements of the consumers. The trade show booth rentals in Las Vegas offers wide variety of choices for the exhibitors all depending on their prerequisite. The extensive offering of the suppliers make the event lively and successful.

Connect with purpose. After you scouted for an innovative equipment for your food product, its time to connect with people, with the right people that will help you stand out from the rest. There are 100++ sessions that you can attend and meet with target suppliers, mentors, companies, and innovators.

An award is one of the best asset you can be proud of for your product or service. At IFT, they give due credits to all innovators who dedicated their time, efforts and talents on research and studies of various fields. On their 4th year, they continue to discover individuals with passion on the improvement of the food technology industry. On last years’ awardees, the winning entries offer inventive, yet practical solutions to today’s food issues and trends of clean label, sustainability and food safety.

To get more information and schedule of the 2017 IFT Annual Meeting and Food expo in Las Vegas, go to http://www.iftevent.org/ . 
